Wednesday, September 3, 2008

"For Such A Time As This"

Ok, I will admit. I am excited about what is happening in the Presidential nominations.

I have seen come across facebook, myspace or somewhere where people are using the phrase from the Book of Esther, "For Such a Time as This" to describe where Sarah Palin is right now. This may very well be, I don't know, but I do want to address this.

From where I am sitting I do not know whether Sarah Palin ever expected to be in the position she is in today or not. One thing I have seen, over the past few days, is a woman who realized her city and government was not leading and making decisions she thought were right. Instead of sitting back and letting decisions be made she did not think correct, she did something about it...she became the leader.

As leaders we may not have thought we would ever be in the place we are in, at this point in our lives, but God has placed us in the position we are in...are we sitting back, or are we making a difference, and changing lives?

Let's be inspired by what is transpiring in the political world. If this conservative woman who has traditional, moral values can reach the place she has; we, women within the church, can help inspire the people within our care to strive to become all that God desires of each of them. Do not ever let anyone tell you you cannot achieve great things. If we are Christians we have all the more ability to succeed because Paul tells us, "I can do everything through him who gives me strength." Phil. 4:13 NIV...more later

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Amen!! She is sent by God!! How awesome for this time, this election. . .keep praying, He's listening:)