We have been discussing the subject of seeking God and His Spirit forming us into the women He has called us to become. This thought was presented in a sermon I heard recently..."Is Your Destiny Connected to Your Leader?"
Many times women try to get ahead of God in their destiny and the timing He has for them. I understand it is difficult to wait, but God has a reason and purpose for ALL things GOOD. I have written about this in previous posts; but think of Esther and David, Esther waited months before going before the king and David waited years before he was king...even after Samuel anointed him king. We can definitely look to scripture for many more examples of God's timing.
It is important we put our ministry and calling into God's hands and His timing. Do not get ahead of Him. If you are married you have to look at your ministry as connected to your leader...your husband. We are co-heirs and co-minister's TOGETHER, but where are you going? Are you together or are you going separate and not thinking of your husband? So many times women get mixed up in their thinking. They begin to think their ministry is more important than their husbands and miss out on the blessings God wants, so much, to give them.
The man and the woman can both have ministries, but they have to be in agreement on what they are doing, whether together or separate. I know of a woman who is the senior pastor of a thriving church and her husband has a very active and blessed ministry to leaders that takes him around the world. They both knew she would be a pastor one day. He told me that when they were first married she told him she would raise the kids and after they were grown she was devoting her time to being a pastor.
Together they both planted churches and she has planted this one alone. He also said that he travels a lot with his ministry. He jokes that she doesn't allow him to come to the church because he causes problems. The reality was when he would go to the church people would look to him as pastor even though it was very clear who the pastor was...his wife.
They both came into agreement of how they were each going to do ministry. Her destiny was attached to her leader...her husband...and they worked together to bring about ministry they were both called to do.
I can also think of another woman whose marriage fell apart and she and her husband are going their separate ways in ministry. I do not believe God would have us do that...family is of utmost importance to the Kingdom of God. We cannot believe God would have us leave our marriage to pursue ministry.
Has God called you to ministry? Does your spouse know where your heart is? Do you both understand each others call to ministry? These are important questions to discuss. If you are not married please remember to discuss these very important questions with the special someone God brings into your life. It is imperative you BOTH UNDERSTAND where you each fit into ministry.
This is an important aspect of how God is shaping our lives. The ball of clay takes on more form as we allow the Holy Spirit to continue to work in our lives.
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