I did a search on Google for "60 is the new 40" and found that, as well as "60 is the new 30." From what I read the 30 somethings definitely do not want to hear 60 is the new 30. The reason one person gave is that meant she must be 6 (or at least pre-teen). I read "Why 60 Is The New 40" at http://ezinearticles.com/?Why-60-Is-The-New-40&id=751232
According to this article the Baby Boomers who are just turning 60 are "radically reshaping society's notions of how "older adults" are supposed to act. Instead of sitting at home with a nice cup of cocoa and the cat, they're travelling, dating, and refusing to relinquish their youth. Today's older generation enjoys good health and a vitality that would have been unthinkable just a generation ago." The article goes on to say, "There's never been a better time to be a 40, 50, 60 or 70-something. Life today is all about options. You can sit at home with the cat and the cocoa, should you choose."
So with that said take a look at the life of Abram. He was 75 years old when God gave him the vision to "leave your country, your family, and your father's home for a land I will show you." Gen. 12:1 The Message
If you are approaching 50, 60, or 70 DON'T YOU DARE give up on God! He is not finished giving you vision and fulfilling your destiny. YOU ARE JUST BEGINNING! Think of the years between 20 and 50 as your training ground. You were learning the in's and out's of ministry...what to do and what not to do. You now have the wisdom you need to continue on with CLEAR and RENEWED vision, energy, and strength.
Go ahead and plan for retirement, but that is a ways off yet. God has more He wants to do in your life and through you. Get out your pen and paper...or laptop and start vision casting. Ask God what His plans are for you at this stage of your life. Do you plant a church? Do you stay where you are? Do you change locations? It is all up to God. We are just the instrument He uses to accomplish His goal.
If Abram wasn't going to complain to God about traveling at his age, then who are we to complain that we are tired and weary from the journey of ministry this far? Allow God to rejuvenate your spirit and energize your body...
Where is He taking you?
Get ready for the ride of your life!
No matter what season of life we find ourselves in - God has a purpose and a plan. May we all pursue it to the fullest. -Blessings, Laurie
Women mentoring is a great opportunity for women to network together.
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