Wednesday, March 25, 2009

What Does Your Life Say?

Today I saw a status on facebook from the daughter of a friend of mine. It read, "There's so much more at stake here than whether I live or die." It was a quote from the girls aunt, also a friend of mine. She had cancer and fought and overcame it; but it came back and eventually God thought best to take her home with Him.

That so illustrates the point I have made in past posts. What is the legacy that we are leaving to those who follow us? This woman would go and speak to people regarding her fight for life and minister to many who were touched by her ministry. I thought of the passages of 2 Kings about Elijah and Elisha.

What a legacy Elijah left Elisha. 2 Kings 2 tells us in The Messge that Elijah told Elisha three times to "stay here" and Elisha said "not on your life. I'm not letting you out of my sight." Because of this detemination Elisha received the request he had of having a "double portion" of Elijah's anointing.

Do we have the determination of Elisha? When we see other's with God's anointing flowing from their lives do we observe how they do life? Do we ask God to bless us and anoint us in that way or better? I do not believe it is wrong for us to do just that...ask God to anoint us, to bless us with His anointing and presence.

The key is to not use it for personal gain. We should strictly ask in order to advance the kingdom of God. When people look at us what do they see? A person totally captivated by God and His will, or a person totally captivated by selfish ambition and desires?

As we go throughout our day keep this thought in mind, "God give me an anointing so powerful others will see you in me in every decision I make."

Remember, "There's so much more at stake here than whether I live or die." Vicki Qualls. Thanks Jessica for posting that on your status. It brought back great memories.

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