Monday, June 9, 2008

Relieving Stress

OK. Let's just be straight with each other. As women we can have an abundance of stress in our lives when it deals with our family - added to that is the stress of the church when you are in ministry.

We have to deal with balancing the support we need to give our husband and children. When they do not see eye to eye on issues moms can feel like they are stuck in the middle. That is not a great place to be. Who likes to be sandwiched in between 2 strong willed situations? I don't think anyone. It is a difficult place to be. Some women may have to deal with the "either, or," not the easy "ok I'll support my husband." It may be she is in the situation that if she does support her husband she will lose her kids. If she supports her kids she puts a "wedge" between she and her husband.

What's a woman to do? It seems as if she is "stuck between a rock and a hard place," to use the old phrase.

I was contemplating this thought this morning, since many women have to go through this issue. It is amazing how God drops things into your spirit. I learned, from Kathy Troccolli, to call this "kisses from the King." When Jesus was on the cross he took the weight of the world on his shoulders. I thought of the stress and pressure in each one of our lives. We live with this every day. If we think it is heavy on our shoulders, multilply that a million times over and you will get some understanding of what Jesus had to carry.

We don't have it so bad after all. I know it is still hard and difficult to deal with, but try to remember this fact and lay it at Jesus' feet - release it to Him. Allow Him to help you with your burdens and cares. Doesn't Peter tell us to cast all our cares on Him because He cares for us? Then let's do what he tells us. I know it is easier to say than to do; but "Just Do It." You will be glad you did.

If you have some issues you are dealing with and God has given you some insight write me a post. I want to hear.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Hi Cheryl!

I am also a Pastor's wife. I live in Round Rock, TX. I too, am learning to trust God in whatever situation that I am in.

We have been here in Atlanta, GA for about two months. My husband mother was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer, and besides that we are the only ones that she can really depend on. We have a church here too, and we are having to travel more frequently from city to city. This can be very frustrating with school aged children (one has developmental disabilites). But, we are here for her as long as she needs us to be. We consider this to be ministry also. And it gives us a chance to impart more here at the ministry.

I agree. Women can sometimes have more on their plate than they bargain for. I guess God knew that we could handle it, because, He always takes the heavier loads. (SMILE)...and Praise God for that, Right?

My prayers are with you, your family, and your ministry. Much continual success!!!

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