Sunday, September 2, 2007

We Need Each Other

Let me introduce myself. My name is Cheryl and I have been in ministry alongside my husband for 25 years. We have 4 wonderful children, one son in college, one son is handicapped, and two girls in highschool (Junior and Senior.)

When I first entered ministry 25 years ago as a youth pastor's wife I needed a friend in ministry and did not have what I needed. There were women in ministry I knew, but it seemed the friendships were superficial. In fact one pastor's wife told me recently you have to be friendly in order to have friends and she was not willing to open up to other pastor's wives. That seems like a lonely road to travel. I travelled that lonely road for many years. It affected me to the point in which it almost cost me my family.

There has been a prick in my spirit all these years for a support/resource for women in ministry. God has kept that alive over the years and now is the time I feel He is opening the door and telling me to walk through.

If you are a woman in ministry and need someone to confide in, or whatever your need, email me. You can also check out my website at and sign up for our monthly newsletter and read our first issue.

I look forward to hearing from women, just as encouragement for others.

What do you think? Is this important or not? Do women who are in the trenches of ministry need this? Are we willing to unveil our concerns, hurts, disappointments, and joy to other women, in order to help mentor each other? Let me know.

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