Monday, August 10, 2009

Remember God Loves You!

This past week I had the privilege of hearing some awesome speakers at Wave Conference in Virginia Beach. It was a powerful time in every session. Sunday was an awesome day in church as we were blessed by At Boshoff from South Africa. During the prayer time in the morning service there was an overwhelming sense of God's presence and His love. It was so powerful I felt that God wanted me to share this on my blog. If you are a pastor, wife of pastor, or know a pastor who needs this I pray it encourages you...

"Pastor, God loves you...right where you are. He loves need to believe it, not just know it. Believe it in your spirit. The circumstances around you do not dictate His love for you. He loves you. It does not matter the size of the church or where you pastor. You are loved by God because of who you are to Him...His child, not what you have accomplished. Remember, God loves you."

I thank God daily that I am loved by Him and it doesn't matter if anyone else loves me or appreciates me; it is all about Him and who He is in my life. We can do so much and go so much farther when we allow that to sink into our innermost being.

Blessings in all you do,

1 comment:

Peggy Lee said...

Hi Cheryl, love your blog, what a blessing in ministry you are.
Thanks for such a great post "remember God loves you" I always need to remember that.

Peggy Lee

over at